Thursday, October 8, 2020

Post 6: The History of Netflix and It's Positive and Negative Impact on Society

Today the word Netflix is synonymous with the words “entertainment” and “television;” However, it took a long time for Netflix to become what it is known as today. In 1997 Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph were in Santa Cruz, California trying to invent “the next big thing” that could be their own “” Hasting claims that the idea for Netflix was inspired by his “frustration over the $40 late fee charged by Blockbuster for his return of ‘Apollo 13.” Determined to come up with a solution, Hastings and Randolph got to work and eventually developed the idea the run a business where people could buy and rent DVDs online and have them delivered by mail. In 1998 Netflix was up and running as a website to sell and rent DVDs and in 1999 the company added a subscription service which allowed customers to rent unlimited amounts of DVDs at a monthly rate. Then, in 2000, Netflix also added a recommendations system which used ratings to predict other shows and movies that customers would enjoy watching. In 2002 Netflix went public and steadily grew in followers. It wasn’t until 2007 that Netflix really changed the game when they introduced their streaming service which let members watch content instantly without commercials. In 2009, Netflix started partnering with electronic companies to get their platform on gaming consoles and smart TVs and by 2012 they had obtained access to Europe. By 2013 Netflix completely changed the game again when they released their own content with programs such as "House of Cards" and "Orange is the New Black." By 2016 Netflix was available worldwide and they continued creating successful original content. 

                                                                       Positive Effects:
Netflix has positively impacted the entertainment industry by changing the way consumers view content. Before Netflix, consumers had to go to the movie theaters, rent VHS or DVDs, or watch whatever was playing on live TV. Once Netflix came along, consumers were able to watch whatever they wanted without having to sit through commercials or go out to see or rent whatever they wanted to watch. Netflix also helped consumers to save money by getting rid of expensive cable plans and only using streaming services. The company has also helped consumers to discover new content they love using their recommendations system which uses an AI-powered algorithm to create personal recommendations based off of what people enjoy watching. In addition, Netflix impacted the entertainment industry by influencing the creation of other video streaming Platforms such as Disney Plus and Hulu which creates jobs and helps the economy. Lastly, watching Netflix has become a great way for hard working students and adults to relax and take a mental break.

                                                                       Negative Effects:
Unfortunately, there are many negative effects that go along with the positive effects of Netflix. The ability to stream entire seasons of shows at once has led to the “Netflix Effect” which causes people to lose track of time and spend all day in front of the television binge watching shows. As a result, student’s grades are dropping, they are showing up late to class and work, and they are gaining weight by not going outside and performing enough physical activity. Watching too much Netflix can also cause people to procrastinate on important projects and leave assignments until the last minute. Another problem is that the electronic blue light from screens is messing up people’s sleep patterns when watching Netflix, because the light stimulates the brain to be alert, so people stay up watching Netflix much longer than they should. Lastly, watching excessive amounts of Netflix is causing the brain to get bored. Overtime this can lead to the brain not functioning as well and an increase in complacency. 
It is very interesting to watch the evolution of Netflix from an online DVD delivery platform to the corporate steaming service monster it is today. Netflix is used by so many millions of people around the world that it seems as though everyone is choosing to watch Netflix as their favorite pastime. While many good things have come from Netflix such as saving people money by getting rid of cable and acting as a way to relax and escape stress in life for a little bit, it has also led to a lot of negative effects, especially on people’s health. Just like with most technology, I think it’s important to find a healthy balance when using the addictive but entertaining streaming platform. I always try to remember to use all good things in proportion so that I don’t turn something good into something that will have greater negative consequences. 


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