Thursday, October 15, 2020

Post 7: Learning About the Printing Press

    I learned interesting facts about many different technologies from listening to presentations, but I was most fascinated by what I learned about the printing press. The first interesting fact I learned is that Johannes Gutenberg created a specific metal that was durable enough to not be crushed when pressed down in the printing press. I've always attributed Gutenberg with inventing the printing press, but I was not aware that he actually created a specific metal for his invention. I think that it was so innovative for his time to work with metal to make a product that would be more durable and long-lasting. 

    Another fact I learned about the printing press that was interesting is how it made an impact on the spread of education. As a result of the printing press being invented, knowledge became much more affordable, because books and information could be typed using the machine. This makes me wonder if we would be as educated and advanced in our knowledge today if the printing press had taken longer to be invented. 

The fact I found most interesting about the printing press is the impact it had on the progression of the Renaissance, the Reformation of the Catholic church, and the Scientific Revolution. So many important events, discoveries, doctrines, and changes came from these three movements, so I think it's fascinating to consider what type of impact these movements could've made without the printing press and whether or not the impact would have been as widespread. 

Lastly, I thought it was really cool to learn that Albert Einstein said that if the printing press wasn't created then the reformed church wouldn't have split and prompted the pilgrims to come to America. It's crazy for me to think that if it weren't for the printing press then I might not be here in the United States right now. 

I am so glad I learned such interesting facts about the printing press from the class presentations. It's amazing to see how big of an impact this invention has made throughout history. If it weren't for the printing press the world may be very different than how we experience it today.

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