Thursday, September 3, 2020

Post 1: My News Sources

1. One of the main places I get the news of the day is from NBC's show called "Stay Tuned" on Snapchat. I like this source because it quickly shares all of the most prevalent news and it's easy to access because it shows up on Snapchat's discovery page. For the most part this show stays fairly unbiased politically even though the rest of NBC's shows tend to promote left-wing politics. I usually prefer getting my news and information from sources that aren't trying to push certain political agendas one way or another, so I find this to be a great option. I would recommend this show as an option for people who want to know about breaking news but only have a few minutes to spend researching it. "Stay Tuned" is also a great option for people with short attention spans, because the news anchors are very engaging and explain situations very clearly and concisely. NBC has done a great job at making a news show that reaches younger people well and helps them to stay up to date on the news and what is going on in the country. 

NBC launching Snapchat news show - NewscastStudio  
2. One of the other main sources I get my news from is Evie Magazine. I really like this website, because they are thorough with their research and they are good at presenting facts and staying nonpartisan. I like to be informed about news without a lot of the political agendas that are on most other news sites, and I find that Evie does the best job at staying impartial with political news. I also like reading Evie's content because they always finish their articles with a heartfelt conclusion that ties everything together and recaps what can be learned from the situation. This adds a sincerity to the closings that are not found in most other news articles. I would recommend Evie Magazine to women who are wanting to stay well informed and enjoy writers who are quick-witted, smart, and satirical. While Evie is predominately for women, men can also enjoy their articles. Evie is great for anyone who has ten or fifteen minutes on their hand to take time and become well acquainted with political and cultural events. They are especially a good option for people who don't want political agendas in their news and for people who lean right politically. 
Women Needed a Magazine that Doesn't Lie to Them. So I Started One -  Quillette

3. Business of Fashion is another site I go to a lot for news related to the fashion and cosmetics industry. Fashion related topics tend to be what I'm most interested in and Business of Fashion has a lot of articles on every aspect of the industry from what designers are doing to how politics are effecting the industry. Since I am a fashion merchandising minor, it is important that I stay informed on what is happening in the fashion industry. I find that Business of Fashion does a great job covering the news for all facets of the business. All the articles are a reasonable length which is another reason I like reading their articles. I would recommend Business of Fashion as a news source for anyone who is interested in fashion, or anyone who wants to know how politics and the economy influence what is happening in fashion. Clothing trends often reflect what is happening in a society, and Business of Fashion is great at explaining why and how trends reflect the zeitgeist of the current and past eras.
BoF - The Business of Fashion

4. If I'm wanting to find out information about the entertainment industry and Hollywood, then I'll usually watch the E! News Snapchat show called "The Rundown." The host of the show is high-energy and entertaining and she is able to cover all of the news in just a couple minutes. Since news about the entertainment industry isn't what I'm most interested in being informed about, I don't take as much time to read articles on the subject. This is why I like getting all the information I need to know just by watching this show for a few minutes on Snapchat. The show is also very enjoyable to watch, because the host is  amusing. I would recommend this show to younger people who are wanting to keep up with celebrity gossip and news about what is going on in Hollywood. The show's lighthearted humor is appealing to younger generations, and since this news isn't as important as political news, it's nice that it is presented in a more upbeat way than most other news shows. 
The Rundown - The Shorty Awards

5. The last source I get a lot of my news from is my family. Both my dad and sister are very interested in politics, so they are always researching what is happening in the news. I find them to be very trustworthy resources, because they always make sure they have accurate information before sharing it. I recommend going to them for the news, because they are both very good at clearly explaining what is happening in the news. They are also good to go to, because they are nonjudgemental so if you don't understand a situation or you have an unpopular opinion they will discuss it with you without making you feel stupid or like your opinion is irrelevant. 


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