Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Post 4: Why Antiwar Voices Aren't Popular in Mainstream Media

     On the internet, there are antiwar websites that make claims that war causes religious persecution, unnecessary taxation of citizens, and promotion of harm. The authors and supporters of these websites would argue that war is never justified and that violence is never the answer to resolve conflict. While the websites make it seem like there are many people who would agree with the notion that war is never a good idea, antiwar voices are rarely acknowledged in the mainstream media. 

    If I were to guess why antiwar voices aren't typically heard in the media, I would think it's because believing war is never justified is a fringe belief system. While I don't think most Americans would say they believe war is always justified, I do think that most Americans would argue that there are some instances where military intervention is necessary to defend the nation and prevent more severe situations from taking place. With the hostile political climate experienced globally and the constant threats from countries such as North Korea, I think the majority of Americans would feel safer knowing that the military is fighting to protect our freedom and shielding the country from foreign invaders. 

    Since the majority of Americans believe war is sometimes justified to protect the United States and in some cases other countries from foreign threats and unjust rulers, antiwar voices aren't typically popular enough to be heard or encouraged by mainstream media. Instead, the media chooses to promote the opinion of the majority since that will get the most engagement and the most people to agree with them. 

    I think that you have to seek out obscure websites in order to hear antiwar voices because more work always goes into finding the voices of minorities. If the popular belief is that war is sometimes justified, then it is going to be easier to hear about and find media platforms where that belief is promoted. Voices from the majority will always be louder simply because there is more people advocating for one way of thinking over another. While it can take more work to find these obscure websites, it worth looking into them to see what other citizens think about important issues on government and military involvement.

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